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Google Chrome is a fast, easy to use, and secure web browser. Designed for Android, Chrome brings you personalized news articles, quick links to your favorite sites, downloads, and Google Search. About g.co You've arrived at this page because you typed or linked to 'g.co', Google's official URL shortcut just for Google websites. Whenever you see a short 'g.co' link, you can trust that it will always take you to a Google product or service.

In case you needed another excuse to procrastinate today, Google Chrome just launched a new music experiment, and it's pretty addicting.

It's called Song Maker, a browser-based tool that lets you to compose songs with just a few clicks.

SEE ALSO: Google Chrome just fixed the worst thing about the internet

It's part of Google Chrome's experimental Music Lab, which creates simple music-making tools for education. The project is easy to use, but surprisingly powerful. Each square represents a different note, which you 'play' by clicking on it (or tapping, if you're on your smartphone).

You can also add drum effects and change a handful of the settings, like the instrument style, tempo, and scale. Check out the video below, from Google Creative Lab's Director Alexander Chen, which provides a good idea of what's possible.

Excited to share our new #ChromeMusicLab experiment Song Maker! Here are example songs I made (links below so you can play with any of them). Try it here → https://t.co/02HgpdooIL#songmakerpic.twitter.com/8e6X2KSoy1

Chrome For G Suite

— Alexander Chen (@alexanderchen) March 1, 2018

Of course, part of Song Maker's fun is that you don't need to be a musician to have some fun with it. And something about the ease of clicking around and the bright colors has proved to be extra-addicting.

The songs don't even have to sound good — they just look cool.

I'm now a composer of music for 8-bit RPG games → https://t.co/mNNMpBi8TB#songmaker#chromemusiclab

— Jon Sykes (@JonSykes15) March 1, 2018

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Yes good, I need more excuses to procrastinate https://t.co/at1bDQDNQB#songmaker#chromemusiclab

— Nadia S.C. (@OhScee) March 1, 2018

Gotta stop playing with songmaker https://t.co/2YVTuQj4DA#songmaker#chromemusiclab

— dilraj mann (@dilraj_mann) March 1, 2018

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Acrobat reader 5 0 mac. You can give it a try here or check out Google Chrome's other music experiments here.

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